The Business of Agriculture Podcast

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Does Agriculture Have A Bee Problem?

Bee populations are declining, as you’ve likely heard. Is the decline a problem for Agriculture? Yes, says Itai Kanot, co-founder of BeeHero. With 75% of food crops requiring pollination, humanity needs bees. We need both wild honeybees — and perhaps more importantly — the kind kept by professional beekeepers. Professional beekeepers are hired by farmers to pollinate specialty crops. Bee keepers are struggling with Bee Colony Collapse, which is not an actual disease, but a phenomenon due to humans, monoculture, insecticide usage, and global movement of products harmful to bees. Mr. Kanot believes technology, along with addressing those four issues, can address Agriculture’s bee problem.

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Damian travels all over the globe talking to audiences about trends in the business of food, fuel, and fiber. With his clever wit and down-to-earth delivery, he has turned these topics into an interesting (and sometimes controversial) podcast.

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