Do Business Better Podcast

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A Vision to Reap ROI From Client’s Existing Technology
Dave Swain worked in corporate Agriculture his entire career until he jumped ship and started his own business (in his mid 50’s no less!). His company, Vision Technology Management, was born from his vision to help companies better utilize technology for which they had already invested. Face it, we all feel the pressure to innovate with new tech but sometimes we find implementation or full utilization so daunting, we revert back to what we know. This leaves a lot of under-utilized tech with a very bad ROI. Dave shares his entrepreneurial journey while discussing the business side of technology utilization.
Latest 3 Episodes
A Vision to Reap ROI From Client’s Existing Technology
Dave Swain worked in corporate Agriculture his entire career until he jumped ship and started his own business (in his mid 50’s no less!). His company, Vision Technology Management, was born from his vision to help companies better utilize technology for which they had already invested. Face it, we all feel the pressure to innovate with new tech but sometimes we find implementation or full utilization so daunting, we revert back to what we know. This leaves a lot of under-utilized tech with a very bad ROI. Dave shares his entrepreneurial journey while discussing the business side of technology utilization.
An Engineer With An Entrepreneurial Side-Hustle
Matt Roeder is an Iowa farm kid who’s employed as an Agricultural engineer for a plastics manufacturing company. A few years ago, after seeing a shortcoming on his corn planter (he still farms on the side), he designed a new and improved closing wheel. But this product design doesn’t belong to his employer, it’s his. Matt explains the inspiration for the product, how he brings it to market, and the delicate and mutually beneficial relationship he has with his employer — they build his designs and support his side hustle all while he retains his day job. We also discuss patent problems and assess the 5 entrepreneurial personalities. This is an excellent discussion for those looking to create or expand a side hustle.
A Budding Beer Entrepreneur Resurrects an Old Beer Brand
My friend Brad Klopfenstein and I have shared a love of beer drinking and beer history for more than 3 decades. Now Mr. Klopfenstein is turning his love into a side hustle. A novice Indiana historian, Brad was poking around the internet researching old Indiana beers as sort of a “where are they now?” endeavor. That’s when he discovered Alps Brau — a former Fort Wayne, IN based beer brand — was available for the taking. Brad acquired the rights to the brand and in February 2023, will release the first batch of Alps Brau since 1978! Brad explains the path to his new endeavor, business lessons learned, and how he hopes to capitalize on the appeal of nostalgia.
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This podcast is for you: the entrepreneur, business owner, solopreneur, self employed striver, or business person who wants to do it better. By better I mean more profitably, more happily, and for as many years as you choose. That’s what doing business better is about. I quit my Fortune 500 job in 1994 to pursue a life and business of my choice. All these years later I’m still driven by my original “why” that made me an entrepreneur: to be more creative and rewarded financially for my accomplishments.
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